First Aid Level 2 & 3 Training

First Aid Level 2 & 3 teaches more advanced First Aid techniques and is accredited by the Department of Labour and Health and Welfare Sector Educational Training Authority (HWSETA). The First Aider is usually the first person to arrive on a scene and plays an important role in the “Patient Care Cycle” and their main objectives are to preserve life, prevent further injury and to promote recovery.

Outcomes Of First Aid Level 2 & 3 Training

Explaining the principles of advanced first aid in emergencies, Demonstrating an advanced level of preparedness to deal with sudden illness or emergency, Assessing and managing an emergency scene/disaster, Describing the anatomy and explaining the physiology of the human body systems in terms of injury or sudden illness, Applying primary first aid for all age groups according to accepted current first aid protocols, Explaining and managing shock.

Features of the First Aid Level 2 & 3 Training

Emergency scene management, Artificial respiration, Child & infant CPR, Chest, hand & eye injuries, Multiple injury management, Pelvic, abdominal & crush injuries, Burns, Wounds & bleeding, Poisoning, bites and paralysis, Fits, breathlessness & skin reactions, Environmental illness & injuries, Emergency childbirth, Behavioural emergencies, Water accidents, Anatomy & physiology, Ethics related to emergency care, Choking, shock, unconsciousness & fainting, 1 & 2 rescuer CPR, General principles of fractures, Joint injuries & rescue carries, Head & spinal injuries, Specific fractures and HIV/AIDS in the workplace.

Unit standard aligned:

Yes, First Aid Level 2 (SAQA US ID 376480) and Level 3 (SAQA US ID 120352)


Do you know how to use a fire extinguisher?

Have you wondered how to inspect a fire extinguisher? It is of utmost importance that you and your colleagues know how to use a fire extinguisher if a fire breaks out in your building. Watch the following video, where all your questions will be answered.

Have you wondered how to inspect a fire extinguisher? It is of utmost importance that you and your colleagues know how to use a fire extinguisher if a fire breaks out in your building. Watch the following video, where all your questions will be answered.

Have you wondered how to inspect a fire extinguisher? It is of utmost importance that you and your colleagues know how to use a fire extinguisher if a fire breaks out in your building. Watch the following video, where all your questions will be answered.

10 First Aid Mistakes Explained By a Professional

"Do you know how to administer first aid? Almost all of us remember some basic things about the rules of providing first aid. But is our knowledge correct, or is what we know too fragmented to be useful? Knowing basic first aid methods is very important, but it’s crucial to perform them correctly so as not to compromise the life you’re trying to save." - Bright Side.


"Do you know how to administer first aid? Almost all of us remember some basic things about the rules of providing first aid. But is our knowledge correct, or is what we know too fragmented to be useful? Knowing basic first aid methods is very important, but it’s crucial to perform them correctly so as not to compromise the life you’re trying to save." - Bright Side.

"Do you know how to administer first aid? Almost all of us remember some basic things about the rules of providing first aid. But is our knowledge correct, or is what we know too fragmented to be useful? Knowing basic first aid methods is very important, but it’s crucial to perform them correctly so as not to compromise the life you’re trying to save." - Bright Side.

This is why you need a competent OHS Manager :

Having a competent OHS Manager could save your life.

Having a competent OHS Manager could save your life.

Having a competent OHS Manager could save your life.


3 Days

NQF Level:

First Aid Level 2 - NQF Level 3

First Aid Level 3 - NQF Level 4


First Aid Level 2 - 8 credits

First Aid Level 3 - 3 credits

Course Includes:

Manual, CPR Pocket Mask, Practical session and Certificate. We also provide Refreshments, Lunch and Safe Parking.

Do you need appointment letters for your First Aiders? We can assist!

Importance of First Aid

Unpleasant though it may be, the fact remains that First Aid for Life Kitaccidents happen. Even experiencing it as a bystander, an accident is not a pleasant scene.

If an accident happens in the workplace, you cannot be a helpless witness, since simply standing by can potentially worsen the situation. This is why it's important to have at least a basic knowledge of first aid.

At its most basic, first aid is the initial assistance given to a victim of injury or illness. Comprised of relatively simple techniques that can be performed with rudimentary equipment, first aid is usually carried out by a layperson until professional medical assistance arrives.

Providing quick medical treatment until professional assistance arrives.

The importance of first aid is hard to overestimate. Among the major benefits of first aid are the following:

  • It affords people with the ability to provide help during various emergency situations. If someone ingests hazardous substances, or suffers health-related issues like a heart attack, or if a natural disaster occurs, a person knowledgeable in first aid becomes more than just another bystander. Instead, they become an invaluable support not only to victims, but also to professional emergency responders and medical practitioners.
  • First aid helps ensure that the right methods of administering medical assistance are provided. Knowing how to help a person is just as important in emergency situations. It only takes six minutes for the human brain to expire due to lack of oxygen. As such, ineptitude and misinformation will not be of much help to a person in need of medical assistance.
  • Knowledge in first aid also benefits the individuals themselves. Whether the emergency affects themselves directly, or involves people they live and work with, first aid stems the severity of an emergency in a given time and place.