- Advanced Fire Fighting.
- To take control of the situation and fire warden team during an emergency.
- Understanding the procedures of dealing with fires in the work place.
- Identify types of fires.
- Select appropriate firefighting procedures.
- Correctly check and use firefighting equipment.
- Practically contain and extinguish fires.
- Definition of fire & Causes of fire.
- Fire spreading methods & Fire prevention.
- Potential hazards & Guidelines to abide by.
- Information signals & Hazardous materials.
- Correct use of fire extinguishing equipment.
- Reactive actions - reporting a fire, requirements in event of fire, when first on the scene, where to get help.
- Scenario and reality training - containment and extinguishing of an actual fire.
Have you wondered how to inspect a fire extinguisher? It is of utmost importance that you and your colleagues know how to use a fire extinguisher if a fire breaks out in your building. Watch the following video, where all your questions will be answered.
Have you wondered how to inspect a fire extinguisher? It is of utmost importance that you and your colleagues know how to use a fire extinguisher if a fire breaks out in your building. Watch the following video, where all your questions will be answered.
Have you wondered how to inspect a fire extinguisher? It is of utmost importance that you and your colleagues know how to use a fire extinguisher if a fire breaks out in your building. Watch the following video, where all your questions will be answered.
"Do you know how to administer first aid? Almost all of us remember some basic things about the rules of providing first aid. But is our knowledge correct, or is what we know too fragmented to be useful? Knowing basic first aid methods is very important, but it’s crucial to perform them correctly so as not to compromise the life you’re trying to save." - Bright Side.
..."Do you know how to administer first aid? Almost all of us remember some basic things about the rules of providing first aid. But is our knowledge correct, or is what we know too fragmented to be useful? Knowing basic first aid methods is very important, but it’s crucial to perform them correctly so as not to compromise the life you’re trying to save." - Bright Side.
"Do you know how to administer first aid? Almost all of us remember some basic things about the rules of providing first aid. But is our knowledge correct, or is what we know too fragmented to be useful? Knowing basic first aid methods is very important, but it’s crucial to perform them correctly so as not to compromise the life you’re trying to save." - Bright Side.
Having a competent OHS Manager could save your life.
Having a competent OHS Manager could save your life.
Having a competent OHS Manager could save your life.
It is all well and good attending fire safety training just to follow legal requirements. You need to make most of the training just in case it is needed in a future emergency.
How can the qualification benefit you and others in the workplace? Here are some of the main reasons why you should attend a fire safety training course.
Supplying your workforce with the know-how on how to spot potential risks can provide peace of mind for you as an employer. If workers feel that their occupational environment is unsafe it can lead them to be less productive. They may become less productive due to them being unsettled. The unsafe environment could be causing obstacles that hinder their work.
In the event of a fire/fire drill, you need someone to be calm and in control. Fire safety training will help employees to behave rationally in an emergency. In the event of a fire, other incidents will occur so you need that confident and calm individual. They will need to look out for others as well as themselves. With the correct knowledge, these can be lowered and prevented.
It is recommended that you assign at least one or two people as an appointed Fire Marshall in a company. But it is also important that other employees are conscious of the safety of their own workspace. Even if you do not need an officially appointed person it is important to raise the awareness of all staff. Giving someone the duty of looking after their workspace gives them a sense of responsibility. They feel like they are helping out with keeping the workplace safe.
If a whole workforce is competent in preventing fire risks, the financial effects on the business can be huge. There will be less need for office equipment and machinery repair costs. This is due to people using them correctly and safely. The cost of absences of employees will also lower due to less workplace-related injuries.
1. Employees' feeling unsafe in their working environment has been proven to lead to lower levels of productivity. This is due to being unsettled and distracted by potential hazards that they face. Being fully prepared for an emergency situation such as a fire can help to increase employee productivity levels and ensure they are working to their full capability, benefitting the business.
2. In the event of a fire/fire drill, it is important that staff remain calm and in control as rash decisions can increase risk of the situation worsening. Fire safety training will help employees to behave rationally in an emergency and allow employers to discover which employees may excel in these situations and make a good fire marshal for the organisation.
3. Ensuring staff are more knowledgeable about fire safety across the whole company is important. However, we recommend that there are at least one or two appointed Fire Marshals in any organisation. Some businesses will legally need to appoint an official fire safety member of staff. The job of the appointed personnel is to be knowledgeable about fire safety but to also ensure the whole of the workforce are regularly updated on fire safety and to encourage employees to follow basic procedures on a day to day basis.
4. Ensuring your workforce is educated and knows how to spot potential risks helps to give employers peace of mind. Being able to trust your staff to keep the organisation running safely on a day to day basis, no matter what size company, is crucial and fire safety training can help to ease an employer's stress over safety within the working environment.
5. When a whole workforce is educated in fire safety and competent in preventing fire risks, it can pay off financially for the employer. When employees use office equipment and machinery correctly repair and servicing costs can be reduced. The cost of employee sick days due to workplace injuries will also be lowered.