According to the UK IFE definition: Fire Engineering is the application of scientific and engineering principles, rules [Codes], and expert judgement, based on an understanding of the phenomena and effects of fire and of the reaction and behaviour of people to fire, to protect people, property and the environment from the destructive effects of fire.
According to SANS 10400-T: 2011 Undertaken by a competent person to achieve the same level of fire safety implied in 4.2 to 4.59 ? According to an article which appeared in the “Engineering News”: Rational fire design is the detailed design of fire safety and prevention mechanisms and strategies in a building in order to comply with the National Building Regulations, where prescriptive requirements cannot be met.
At its most superficial level, it is recommended that a fire engineered project should comprise of the following three stages:
1. Qualitative design review (QDR)
2. Quantitative analysis
3. Assessment against criteria
Building characterisation: Layout, geometry, construction
Environmental influences: Climatic conditions affecting structural load, smoke ventilation, external fire spread
Occupant characteristics: occupancy type, population, distribution, AFD
Management of fire safety: Likely extent and nature of building management
Occupants can leave relatively safely or risk to occupants is low
Fire-fighters can operate in reasonable safety
Collapse does not endanger people near the building
Minimise fire damage to:
Structure and fabric of the building
Building contents
On-going business viability
Corporate image
Effects on adjacent buildings or facilities
Release of hazardous materials into environment
Review to include:
Ignition sources
Combustible contents
Construction materials
Nature and activities of building
Building layout
Any unusual factors
Establish various fire protection strategies
Select cost-effective strategies that satisfy criteria and meet objectives
Actually establishing trial fire safety strategies
Considerations when developing trial designs include: - Control on materials - Automatic suppression and detection - Compartmentation
- Other automatic systems
- Smoke control
- Means of escape
- First aid fire-fighting
- Fire service facilities
- Fire safety management
Fire type
Internal/external ventilation conditions
Performance of each fire safety measure
Type, size and location of ignition sources
Distribution and type of fuel
Fire load density
Fire suppression
State of doors
Breakage of windows
Building ventilation system
Several fires may need to be modelled e.g.:
A quick developing fire – may be worst for escape but easiest to detect
A hot fire – may be worst in terms of smoke temperature but best in terms of smoke volume production
A fire in the centre of a room may make escape difficult but in a corner will grow quickly