First Aid

Level 2 & 3

Duration: 24 hours (3Days)

This training is designed to assist learners with emergency protocols that need to be followed to ensure the correct and legal first aid is given when responding to any emergency situation, and to ensure they can administer the essential life-saving skills required.

First aid level 2+3 teaches you, the client:

• More advanced first aid techniques,

• Demonstrate an advanced level of preparedness to deal with sudden illness or emergencies,

• Assess and manage an emergency scene or disaster,

• Describe anatomy and explain the physiology of the human body in term of injury or sudden illness,

• Apply primary first aid for all age groups according to accepted current first aid protocols, and

• How to manage shock in a patient.


• Understanding the laws of first aid
• Providing CPR (including for children and infants)
• Understanding potential hazards in the work environment
• Treating wounds and stopping bleeding
• Identifying potential poisons at work and home
• Knowing what first aid is needed for different types of injuries
• Using the correct equipment and safety precautions when administering first aid
• Ensuring the correct techniques to move a casualty without injuring yourself

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